
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tv Drama Writer Fatima Suriya Bajya

Fatima Suriya Bajya
Ms. Fatima Suraiyya Hameedi Khatoon was born on 1 September 1930, near "Panj Bibi Mountain", in Karnatak, Hyderabad Deccan, British (Undivided) India. She migrated to Pakistan soon after independence, along with her family.
Affectionately known as "Bajiya" (Elder Sister) all over the world, she is an amazing lady. Her total education took place inside her home, and she was tutored by her grand maternal uncle Nawab Nisar Ahmed Khan, Bahadur Yar Jang. This title was given to him by the Emir of Deccan, an independent state up to 1948. Later it was forcibly taken over by Indian armed personnel, dethroning its Emirs.
Bajiya and her brothers and sisters were 10 in numbers. For more details about them, watch the program and listen to Bajiya.Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya, has won over 900 awards. She is most delighted to have received the award from Emperor of Japan, for her assistance in translating Japanese poetry in to Urdu. She is also a recipient of Pakistani Pride of Performance Award.Bajiya has been a prolific writer. She made her inroads in to the realm of literature when she was still in her sweet sixteenth year of age. She wrote an Urdu Novel, titled "Muslim Samaaj" (Muslim Society). Justuju Media is trying to obtain it for you, to publish it on the internet in near future.Bajiya is well known for her Urdu plays (dramas) that have been turned in to Television Serials mostly by PTV from early 1960s, the days of infancy of Television in Pakistan. She has written plays for stage, and Radio too. She represents the old guard of Pakistani morals, and is not satisfied with the cultural representation of Pakistan by the new age media. She believes and suggests that a writer should always give prominence to goodness in the society.Her total literary works also remain to be collected, preserved, and processed in to a single volume. Among others, some of her better known plays are: 1- Shama, Afshaan, Urusa, Zeenat, Anaa, Agaahi, Aab Geenay, Baabar, Tareekh wa Tamseel, Ghar aik Nagar, Farz aik Qarz, Phool Rahi Sarson, Tasveer e Kaainaat, Asaavari, and her first long play Mehmaan.In this program, first of a series on her life, she recounts some of the antics of his favourite brother, who is also adored by Urdu Humour lovers wrold over, Anwar Maqsood. Find out why Anwar converted himself in to a Dracula, and what were the results of this prank in his early young age.Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya granted special permission to your JustujuTv to peek in to her life, and disclose a few hitherto unknown interesting facts about her life. Please keep watching JustujuTv channel here, for more in the coming days.Unfortunately, she had a remission of her throat cancer which was first diagnosed and treated in April 2004, and was admitted to hospital recently. She has undergone a major throat surgery at AKUH, Karachi, and is recuperating now a days at home. We wish her full recovery, best of health, happiness, and a very long and blessed life.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tv Drama Actress Mahnoor Baloch

Mahnoor Baloch

Mahnoor Baloch is enormously endowed with artistic talents and backs it up by really being prepared for the challenges. She is a good friend with a beautiful smile. You first notice her beauty, which is of the striking variety; the kind that makes heads turn.
There is no substitute for excellence, not even success. The above proverb holds true to model-actress-director-producer, Mahnoor Baloch. A precious link exists between acting generations. This link is which enables the human spirit to soar when comparing artists over the years. One such artist is Mahnoor Baloch. Below is a moving tribute to her courage-and the extraordinary power of love, understanding and devotion.
As a young girl, Mahnoor showed keen interest in human behavior. Perhaps, Mahnoor wore the smile of an innocent, little girl as she said that she wanted to become a psychiatrist. But Mahnoor was destined to be an artist. That smile, those eyes, they are really something, which boldly but complacently blend to make her the center of all eyes and lenses. It is the stuff of which the dreams are made of.
Mahnoor claimed her own fame before turning twenty in the modeling world. Later, she appeared in Pakistani television commercials as well. Mahnoor's first stab at acting was in Pakistani televisions mega hit drama serial, 'Marvi', directed by Sultana Siddiqui, commonly known as 'Aapi.' Writer, Noor-ul-Huda Shah, cast included Mahnoor, Ghazal Siddiqui, Badar Khalil, and Hussain Qazi. The story revolves around a village girl, 'Marvi'. Mahnoor played the friend of 'Marvi.' It was a touching story deftly related to the public.

Quickly thereafter, Mahnoor's identity as a performer began to emerge. Mahnoor and her teammates worked together as conceptual artists for the television.

Though drama serial 'Marvi' marked the debut of Mahnoor as a television artist. She attained stardom with her role in the drama serial 'Doosra Aasmaan', which was telecast from Pakistani television in 1993-94. In 'Doosra Aasmaan', Mahnoor was dubbed as Abid Ali's daughter who, in turn, lived and made a fortune in Dubai. Cast included Mahnoor, Abid Ali, Asad, and Sami Sani.
In her real life, Mahnoor liked Hamid Siddiqui, happened to be the son of her father's friend. Their families knew each other for years. In fact, both Mahnoor and Hamid grew up together. They remained steadfast friends through thick and thin.
Long story short, Mahnoor married Hamid with their parent's consent and blessings. Mahnoor was in her sixteenth year at the time of marriage, while Hamid was seventeen years of age at the time. By the grace of God, both Mahnoor and Hamid have had a blissful married life for the past twenty years. In a recent interview Mahnoor said that 'we are the golden couple. Everything good has been showered on us.
Perhaps, they must have understood and implemented the saying below in their practical life: 'I do not want to change you; you know what is best for you, much better than I. I do not want you to change me, I want you to accept me and respect me the way I am. In this way, we can build a strong relationship, based on reality, rather than a dream.'
Reverting to her show business career, Mahnoor became the most enchanting artist of the 1990s and she continues to make her presence felt forcefully to date. Additionally, her genius in succeeding is largely one of character-patience, self-discipline, rationality and inner resolve.

Mahnoor's acting is fraught with reality. The humane element is always present in her celluloid persona. That believability-and humanity-was powerfully manifested in the 1997 super hit television drama serial, 'Ye zindigi.' Director, Sultana Siddiqui, cast included Mahnoor, Noman Aijaz, and Humayun Saeed.
It is an enthralling tale of deception and dejection. From this, and a rarely perfected talent of wit, Mahnoor brings her interesting character 'Soha', not only to life, but also into the hearts of millions of dedicated viewers. Background song in Mehnaz's lilting voice 'Zindigi kay sub lamhay yaad gaar hotay hain' became uproariously popular. Most importantly, the last episode of 'Ye zindigi' is intent on draining our tear ducts.
Mahnoor's unique ability is that she has one of the most astonishing faces on the small screen. Expressions drift over it like mist. How, in the entertainment industry abounding in gifted performers, does Mahnoor stand in a category unto herself? Well, she is a talent machine. That is what she was born to be. Moreover, the real Mahnoor and the reel Mahnoor are very much alike, replete with life, energy and acting.

In the highly successful drama serial, 'Chandni Raatain', Mahnoor's acting is almost gushing in its admiration. While her vivid persona upholds the sentimentality depicted in the play. In 'Chandni Raatain' as the story goes; Javed Sheikh had no children from his first wife. Thus, he marries 'Maha', played by Mahnoor, who becomes his second wife. The play is simultaneously praiseworthy and heartbreaking. To talk of Mahnoor is to put applause on paper. Her reputation for quality work stands so high, that almost every fan admires her wisdom and judgment as a performer. It strengthens her faith in her own resourcefulness. In an extraordinarily busy life, Mahnoor has it all, or nearly so. On the personal side, Mahnoor has poured all her talents into her role as mother to a fourteen-year-old gorgeous daughter. Today, as her teenage girl prepares to leave the nest, her mom has begun to redefine herself. As always, Mahnoor's motivation was clear and resolute in her directional debut 'Lamhay' in January 2000. Producer-director, Mahnoor, writer, Salman Wajih Hasan, cast included Mahnoor, Noman Aijaz, Shahzad Roy, and Nighat Chaudhry. In 'Lamhay', Mahnoor played the role of Shahzad Roy's mother. The poor girl, 'Fizza', from Bangladesh, smartly dubbed by Mahnoor, did the trick. 'Lamhay' is a play of individual sensibilities. Dwelling on her plus points, Mahnoor's independence of mind and her ability to focus on her work also serve her well in her show business career. Confidence in one's own judgment, she realized early on, is what matters most. Mahnoor's presentation always carries with it a peculiar vividness that is exclusively her own. Included in the list of illustrious plays is 'Pathjhar ki chaaon' in the year 2000, directed by Mahnoor. It is an intricate story about a mother and her daughter. Mahnoor played the role of the eldest daughter. Regarding her charismatic figure, the discerning viewers fall passionately in love with her at first sight. From her earlier days in working life, Mahnoor has learnt a lot, and forgotten nothing. Most of all, Mahnoor has been glorified like no other artist in modern times. The intoxication of glory, Oh! How uplifted she would be! Mahnoor's intense and interesting performance in the romantic comedy drama 'Kabhi kabhi pyar mein' in August 2001 brought more laurels to her. Director, Afreen Baig, writer, Shahid Kazmi, cast included Mahnoor, Humayun Saeed and Adnan Siddiqui. The way 'Kabhi kabhi pyar mein' was romanticized is a feat in modern Pakistani television direction. This also proves the fact that Pakistani television crew are hard at work on sophisticated craft. Confident, amiable and cute, Mahnoor is an artist who echoes a quality most seem to have forgotten-being real. This woman of individualism continues to exert a peculiar fascination through her acting and her direction. Day after day, Mahnoor receives critical appreciation about her accomplishment. She keeps glued to the pursuit. Sagacious as she is, Mahnoor's performance was outstanding in the television play 'Sila.' Directed by Misbah Khalid, cast included Mahnoor, Faraz Maqsood, Adnan Siddiqui and Amina Haq. The story revolves around a college student, 'Sila', played by Mahnoor. Mahnoor's performance in the lead role vaulted her to fame. Mahnoor is not just another artist. She holds a singular place in our heart, and this presence never leaves. Perhaps, more than any other artist of her time, Mahnoor listens to the heartbeat of her admirers. Like every sensible person, Mahnoor also endorses the view that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. It is time to recognize that we have been wasting far too many good ones. Remarkable people like Mahnoor inspired some of our favorite television plays. 'Unhoni' is one of them. Cast included, Mahnoor, Shakeel and Humayun Saeed. In the drama serial 'Unhoni' Mahnoor works for Shakeel's organization. She leaves the job when she learns that Shakeel intends to marry her. Preferring quality to quantity, that is, a little less, a little better, Mahnoor only opts for selected television plays. Further, nurtured by hard work, Mahnoor spurs the younger generation to better their world. As for her performance, Mahnoor's dialogues has her trademark wit and rhythm, her outlook infallible, she possesses, to guess right, instinct experience, and recollection; she sees true, compares swiftly and understands intuitively. Mahnoor increasingly found opportunities to show her dramatic abilities, notably in the stage show 'Hai koi hum jaisa.' Hosted by Fakhar-e-Alam, Mahnoor and Atiqa Odho. The show honors the Pakistani cricket team and singers like Jawad Ahmed and Ali Azmat. Mahnoor's family lives in the U.S.A. While her husband's family resides in Canada. Hence, Mahnoor, too, has settled down in Canada. Lately, Mahnoor enrolled in the film school of Toronto and completed a 15-month course in filmmaking. Paradise has been relocated to Toronto! Soon, she went back to Pakistan and during an activity-packed trip, Mahnoor produced a fabulous drama serial, 'Shiddat', in which she used some of the techniques she picked up from her Toronto's film school as well. Most definitely, we regard Mahnoor not only as the foremost entertainer but as one of the pillars of Pakistani television, a delightful companion to the life of the twenty-first century Pakistan and an endlessly fascinating personality in her own right. As for her future aspirations, Mahnoor is more than up to the challenge. Love and wisdom knows no boundaries. With the passage of time, Mahnoor has earned love and respect from her loyal fans. She has developed enduring friendship with her family and her friends as well. In those bonds are the strands of love, of kindness, of physical and spiritual healing. They are the strands of life itself. In a way so subtle, so gentle, so loving, Mahnoor has given us the most precious gift that could be bestowed to her adorers. It is the gift of a free and loving heart.

Tv Drama Actress Sonya Jehan

Sonya Jehan


Sonya Jehan is radiant. The world knows her as a half-Pakistani Indian actress and we are quite happy with rights on her being just that. Born as the legendary Madam Noor Jehan’s granddaughter to a Pakistani father (Akbar Rizvi) and French mother (Florence Villier), she is now married to an Indian banker (Vivek Narain) and is shifting homes from Delhi to Mumbai as we speak.

And of all the traits she carries in her genes — fame, France, a penchant for performance, a love for food and simple elegance — the Pakistani gene is the most dormant. She speaks Urdu, but often chooses not to and when English and French roll off her tongue much more easily, you could never guess that she was anything but French.

The give-away, if any, is her offhand sense of style, which lends her originality beyond Noor Jehan’s opulence and her mother’s French chic. These are the two women — both of whom have incredible individual identities — who have had the maximum influence on her personality but Sonya has emerged very much her own person.

She has a deep, melodic voice that is trained to sing like Daado (as she fondly calls Noor Jehan) and she has a love for food like her mother (who lives in Karachi and owns the only French restaurant in town). Sonya dabbles in films and dreams of opening her own restaurant in India one day. But she isn’t terribly committed to any one profession. She is someone very comfortable in her own skin, apparent as she walked out to greet us in worn out denims, Kohlapuri chappals and a brown shawl to shield her against the unexpected Karachi chill.

“I was supposed to be here for only a day,” Sonya explained her lack of clothes (for a wedding and unexpected shoot) with a warm smile. She was in Karachi for only a day or two as she waited for a work permit. Despite having a French passport, her Pakistani lineage requires her to have a permit if she is to act in a Bollywood film. She had been cast in the lead role opposite Abhishek Bachchan for an upcoming action thriller, Crooked.

Not that her life was hanging by a thread in anticipation. Sonya was distressed as she realised that she probably wouldn’t get the visa in time for the opening shoot (which was the next day) but she managed to brush it off with nonchalance. She was more concerned about getting back home to her two-year-old daughter, Noor, now the third and perhaps most influential female in Sonya’s life. How is she, I asked. “Aah, she’s perfect,” came the reply with a grin that comes only to a doting mother in love.

While her little one is her pride and joy, her next big budget venture promises to take her professional profile to new heights. She plays a small but significant role in Karan Johar’s My Name is Khan (which released worldwide this Friday), alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol.

Sonya plays Rizwan Khan’s sister-in-law, an American Muslim woman teaching at a university in the USA. A far cry from her last two roles — as the feisty Ratanbala in Khoya Khoya Chand (2007) and the glamorous Mumtaz Mahal in Taj Mahal (2005) — this role has her covered up in a hijab. It appears to play to a stereotype while trying to break the stereotype simultaneously. But despite the de-glossed character, this may be her big Bollywood breakthrough. And then there is the experience of working alongside Shah Rukh and Kajol.

“It was amazing, what more can I say?” she smiled. “Shah Rukh is approachable and incredibly humble. He talks to everyone on the set, from the doorkeeper to the director. My first shot was with him and I was nervous because, well, he’s Shah Rukh Khan. But he has a knack of putting everyone at ease within minutes. He immediately welcomed me and told me that he was a big fan of my grandmother. Shah Rukh is a director at heart and sort of takes things in control. Kajol is such a superb actor and they both have incredible presence and input on the sets. It was quite an experience.”

How did she land the role? Did she feel being half-Pakistani played its part in chance as it gave her character a third, realistic dimension?

“I don’t think the casting had anything to do with my being Pakistani. I auditioned for the role. Plus, the film is not about terrorism as most people believe,” she clarified, though most people must have watched it by now. “It is primarily a love story that throws some light on the lives of Muslims post-9/11.”

Sonya was in India during the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai city. Did she feel stigmatised at that time?

“Well, I wasn’t shouting my Pakistani lineage from a rooftop,” she said. “It was traumatising for me personally because people I knew died in those attacks on the Taj. I think that we all look at certain kinds of Muslims all over the world with suspicion now; I know I do when I’m in London. It’s the natural fallout of what’s been happening. But that isn’t the epicentre of the film.”

She added that more than making it big in films, she would like to play a role in bringing peace in the subcontinent, between India and Pakistan. She would love to be part of the collaborative efforts being made to create creative links between both countries.

So far none of the Pakistani actors who have set foot in Bollywood — Meera, Javed Sheikh and Humayun Saeed — have really made their mark and one wonders whether Sonya will manage to make a difference. Her first two films didn’t do too well but MNIK promises to be a box-office hit, if nothing else.

“I don’t know whether this will be a breakthrough in my career because that’s not what I’m thinking when I sign a film,” she responded. “I sign it for the story, the script and the overall experience it’ll bring me. That said, of course I’m hoping for the film to do well and for people to appreciate my work. I’m just not looking to be the next big star,” she concluded with a laugh.

Sonya carries Noor Jehan’s flair for drama but lacks the salt that Noor Jehan had, and that is perhaps imperative to any successful Bollywood heroine, even today. Sonya Jehan is undeniably beautiful but possibly too westernised in her looks to appeal to a local, mass audience. But then again, Bollywood is at the crossroads of change and this may be the best time for her to cut into it. She has trained in classical Indian dance as well as classical singing. She says she can sound a lot like her grandmother. And she has the one rain dance (from Khoya Khoya Chand) to prove that she has what it takes, if masala is what Bollywood is looking for.

A week after returning to India, Sonya called to confirm that she was unable to get the work permit and had lost her Crooked role to Kangana Ranaut.

“It’s unfortunate that I wasn’t able to do the film but now that I’m in Bombay there will be much more to do. There will be more opportunities and I will be able to juggle them better with motherhood,” she said. “But I’m not thinking of films right now. I’ve just landed in Bombay and I’m in a cab, apartment hunting. I think settling down is going to be the most important thing in my life for a while.

Tv Drama Actress Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

“Why is There Negative Publicity About My Role?”

AGHAST IS THE LOOK on Mona Lisa’s face, when you talk to her regarding why her Indian film, Kajra Re is is being considered a real no-no in local film circles! She says when she was cast in the film by Pooja Bhatt, she hardly knew anything about the communal side of this film.
“It’s all blown out of proportion,” the delicate and easy-going girl tells you, when you mention this controversy. “I can’t understand why there is so much negative publicity about my role, regarding Kajra Re. When I was told about the role by Pooja, she basically narrated a story that sympathized with the dancing girls at the bazaar. There was no talk of the religious side, or the communal aspect. Neither is there any need to make an issue out of it,” Mona said tongue-in-cheek.
But, it’s not actually the censors, but Suhail Khan, the famous distributor-film-maker, who says that he won’t release Kajra Re in Pakistan. He says that he doesn’t think it proper that such a subject should be risked in this country, where it will certainly create a bad taste in the mouth of the people, and it would never do well.
But Mona shakes her head on hearing the logic. “I am not sure if this is realistic,” Mona says matter-of-factly. “The story is basically about the tragic fact that the dancing girls are never approached by good family men. Pooja shows that such women are also humans, and they also wait for their Prince Charming. I play just such a girl, who is finally given protection, and then married to a Hindu boy. But, that is at the end, and throughout the film, there’s no such issue discussed. Let’s face it, I am an actress, and if I have a good role, then such itsy bitsy facts have to be ignored.”
Well, Mona may be right. The fact is that we screened just such a film in Pakistan, in early 2001, called Tere Pyar Mein, which had Zara Sheikh and Shaan. It had a Muslim Pakistani boy, played by Shaan, who loves a Sikh Indian girl, played by Zara. The film was well-made by Hasan Askari, although the Mujahideen segment was not done properly. The censors did not have any strong words for it. So how come Mona’s role in Kajra Re is such a bother?

Tv Drama Actress Shaista Wahidi Dr

Shaista Wahidi Dr


Pakistan’s favourite television anchor Dr. Shaista Wahidi’s story starts off on a similar note as any urban girl in her country. The Shaista of yesteryear, in her own words, was a young woman who felt she had to compromise to please her family. From marriage and kids in her teens to studying for a lost cause, she became a non-practising doctor to keep up with her parent’s wishes. While this brought the reward of a happy family, destiny had other plans for the now famous TV host.

Out of sheer boredom during her time as a housewife Shaista decided to try her luck by entering a VJ contest for a local FM station. The experience was second to none and eventually helped shape her transition to television. Blessed with an abundance of talent, namely the gift of the gab, Shaista has managed to connect with her audiences at an altogether different level not seen on Pakistani television before. From the public to politicians, cricketers to celebrities, Shaista is undoubtedly the preferred choice of a nation, which is fast catching up to her mantra of positivity and hope.


As her flagship show, Good Morning Pakistan (GMP), celebrates its first anniversary. Dr Shaista reveales her innermost thoughts about her journey to stardom and beyond.

Tell us about GMP on ARY, which in one year has become one of their leading programmes. How has the journey been?

GMP is my baby and I am proud of leading it for a year. Yes, it’s challenging hosting and producing as this means looking after the content and participating in the overall planning of the show, but I am ably supported by my production team led by my senior producer Talat Raza. In our team, one thing is very clear that no one is the boss and we all have the right to be heard. It’s a culture I love at ARY and am glad the channel has helped me cultivate a similar environment in the team.

The show is unique because not a single day passes when we don’t receive calls from minister’s wives or affluent families wanting to contribute or help about a certain issue that was discussed on that particular day. It’s very touching because we have a responsibility to society and through GMP we have been able to establish a platform for people to connect and help.

Moreover it is my personal objective to empower the Pakistani woman who desperately needs a voice and practical advice in various facets of her life. We have had fantastic response for introducing new elements like career counselling, medical and skin care advice and summer camps and we intend to keep moving in this direction.


Do you consider yourself an inspiration to women?

I believe in substance. You see it’s not about being a woman or man, it’s about the individual. If you believe in yourself then it becomes a completely different story. The whole world starts to revolve around you once you gain that self confidence. I never wanted to be the usual complaining woman considering that is the most common image of a female in our society. On the contrary, I am a big fan of Rhonda Byrnes’, The Secret, in which the law of attraction states that when you want something you must start believing in it and practice it as if you have it. I have applied this to enhance the power of positivity which people say I resonate but if you ask me I just dislike negative thinking.

Today I can proudly say I am at peace with myself. Besides this discipline is vital, which includes working out and keeping fit to beat stress, being health conscious and eating right. Mind you, all of these don’t come without a strict routine. I was never like this but have evolved with time in order to pursue the goals I have set in my life. I guess it shows and perhaps this is why they look up to me.

Your following is equally popular with male audiences. According to a survey men find you the best looking and most pleasant host. What are your thoughts?

Well it’s a plus point. I am aware of the fact that I am good looking and you are on the money about men watching GMP because of the looks. I see no harm in men liking women on the face of it as long as they are not hypocrites like most men in our society. I am glad they have at least admitted it in that survey but will be happier if they openly talk about their reason for watching others or me on the show whilst sitting next to their wives.

Television is larger than life to those watching at home and hence we do work consciously on the looks and makeovers for all the segments and hosts. For example I work with my designer Ruby Shakeel and stylist Mahjabeen who are responsible for making me look the way I do on the show. At the same time I am known to be choosy as I don’t like wearing loud colours or busy prints.

Your most ardent admirers are politicians, cricketers and celebrities. According to them you are their favourite host because you bring the best out of them. What’s your magic touch?

When someone is invited on my show I make it a point that they are treated as our houseguests including politicians and cricketers who are mostly grilled in interviews. I am fully aware that people want me to take them on and it’s not that I don’t but I just do it in a way which is subtle and humane. One of my memorable interviews was with our current Prime Minister on the eve of his win. My entire focus was on humanising Yousaf Raza the person and not Mr. Gillani the prime minister. To my surprise it took him just one question to start talking about his fondness for Indian films and specially Ashwariya Rai who is an absolute favourite of his, so much so that he used to watch Ash’s movies during his days of imprisonment. Pakistan loved that interview and I got such great feedback even from the critics, which was a pleasant surprise.
The morning routine for the morning host

Firstly, I wish myself good morning before anyone else does. No matter how clichéd it is, my belief is that you must first learn to love yourself in order to love the world.

My husband is usually late home from work in the evenings as he’s a workaholic but we both make it a point to spend the last hours sharing and catching up. Therefore, I go to bed very late despite the fact that I rise by six every morning. Once I’m up, I look forward to my three precious gems Shaafay, Fayz and Eman. Every day is a beginning full of energy and positivity in my life. As soon as I step out of the house I do a 360° from a devoted mother and a wife to an ambitious producer and host with a responsibility to lead a show, which makes a difference in the lives of millions every day.